London netowkring events

Networking Events In London To Add To Your Calendar  

Last Updated: May 9, 2024By Categories: Lifestyle

Networking events have many benefits to your business and luckily London is a city full of them. From opportunities to expand your network and exchange ideas and knowledge, to chances to advance your career and build your brand, the benefits are endless. Yet you want to make sure you attend the right events. By investing your time and effort into events such as these, you can expect to advance in both your personal and professional life. In this article, we explore some of the upcoming networking events in London. Whether you’re after a more intimate breakfast meet and greet or a larger conference, there’s something here for everyone. Keep reading to find out more.

Networking events in London

Photo by Chris Schippers:

Why attend networking events?

Networking events are great for so many reasons. These include:

  • You can expand your network: Networking events provide a great platform for you to meet new people from a range of businesses, professions, industries and backgrounds. By cultivating partnerships through these meetings, you can open the door to a wealth of new opportunities and collaborations both professionally and personally too.
  • You can advance your career: If you’re looking to progress at work, or want to find out about new opportunities outside of your current organisation, networking events provide the perfect opportunity to do so.
  • You can improve your people skills: If you’re someone that isn’t great at communication or wants to build on these skills, networking events are ideal to do so. You can interact with a wide range of people allowing you to improve your communication, networking and interpersonal skills. This can all be applied to your personal and business life moving forward. 

How to get to a networking event?

With networking events being held all over the city, you want to get there in comfort and style, which is where we come in. At UK Chauffeur Force we can provide you with a luxury car service that can pick you up from your office, home or hotel and take you to the networking event. Once the event’s finished, we can drop you back wherever you need to be.

Networking events in London

There are a myriad of networking events in London, but it’s best to find one that’s suited to your area of business. Some of the top categories of these include:

Business networking events: London is known for being the business capital of the UK and hosts 40 per cent of the European headquarters of the world’s top companies. With this in mind, it’s no surprise there are a vast number of business networking events to attend. Look out for events organised by the BNI (Business Network International), Chambers of Commerce and industry-specific groups.

Tech and science events – There are many technology and science events in London, including London Tech Week from 14-15 June 2024, TechCrunch Disrupt London, Women in Tech, the London Blockchain event 21-23 May and so many more. For those interested in aviation and tech, the Farnborough air show is a must. There are talks and opportunities for those of all ages, including youth interested in a career in aviation tech.

Entrepreneurial meet ups – As an entrepreneur, collaboration and connection-making is key. By attending some of London’s many networking events aimed at entrepreneurs you can benefit from all of this as well as get out of the house and work somewhere new. There are events such as Startup Grind, Entrepreneur First, London Entrepreneurs Network and dedicated events at places such as WeWork.

Professional Societies and Associations Events – Many professional societies and associations put on networking events all around the city throughout the year. Take a look at your business and if any of these will be right for you. SOme examples include the Institute of Directors (IoD), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) who all sort networking events for their members. 

Creative Industry Networking – The creative scene in London has never been more thriving, yet it can be a lonely industry if you don’t meet with others. From advertising and design, to photographers and media members, there are a host of events throughout the year. Head to the D&AD Festival, check out the itinerary at places such as Somerset House and the Royal Academy as well as Creative Mornings events.

Travel networking – If you’re part of the travel industry, whether as a travel agent, the media, travel PR, or as a tour operator, there are countless opportunities to network in the city. WTM – the World Travel Market is one of the biggest networking events and is held in the ExCel every November.

Networking events in London

Photo by Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent:

Some upcoming networking events in London

Below we’ve listed just a few upcoming networking events that you can attend in the upcoming months.

Central London Social In-Person Networking – Fri, 21 June 2024, 11:00 – 12:30

Beyond the hype: How Generative AI can actually help grow your business – Thu, 16 May 2024 17:30 – 20:00 

Disrupt London 20.0 – Thu, May 23, 2024 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM

FINTECH Circle Spring Drinks 2024 – Wednesday, May 15 · 6 – 9pm

Fashion Talk & Networking Event – Thursday, May 16 · 6:30 – 9pm

London is a city packed with opportunities to connect and get to know others. Whether you’re looking to make new business acquaintances, find new clients or advance your career, there are a myriad of opportunities to make the most of. The above list is just a few upcoming events to attend. To find out more about booking a luxury car service for your networking event, click here or get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.